
2 days back I had posted a puzzle on Gtalk which went something like this...

The tagline read-
What is common to this line and the pic? Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz

N the pic was-

So here's the complete solution which I was looking for...
First look at the tagline-
"Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz"
This line contains all the letters of the English alphabet.
Go ahead check it for yourself.......

Such sentences are called PANAGRAMS-Sentences that contain all letters of an alphabet.

Now, before I proceed, let me clear a common confusion at this point-the difference between ALPHABET & LETTERS. These words are not synonymous. Any language in this world has just 1 alphabet which in turn contains several letters. The English alphabet contains 26 letters. The Hindi alphabet contains 50.(Someone plz confirm this.)

Now let's return back to the puzzle.
The pic also signifies a panagram, the most famous one-
"The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog."

So both are panagrams! Well quite a few people cracked the puzzle till this point-Ajay Anand, Anurag Mishra, Ashutosh Nath, R.S.Jaya Manasa, Fazia Kalim(3rd year ETC, KIIT), Ankur Gupta and Anurag Sharma(in the order in which they solved it). Rest from 4th year CSE, KIIT.

But there was one more detail I was looking forward to-something common only to these 2 panagrams-something that is not there in the other panagrams. These 2 panagrams are used by Windows XP to display fonts. Normally "The quick brown fox........" is used but off lately True Type font files use the "Jackdaws......" line because it is shorter. If you want to check it out just go to Control Panel->Fonts. Interestingly, in those true type font files the digit 7 is omitted.

The people who got till here were Sneha Singh(CSE, KIIT), Sneha Singh(my sis, SIT Tumkur ECE passout), Ashutosh Choudhary(NPTI, Durgapur), Shubham Jaiswal(CSE, KIIT), Shaubhik Chatterjee(ETC, KIIT). Good job u 5! Congratulations! :)