The last post dealt with Kakuros, a very popular kind of puzzle which many people were unaware of. N that is why i had it included in this year's KHOJ (Vasco-de-Gamea). However, there was another very interesting type of puzzle which i had contributed-the REBUS. And yet another 1, this time contributed by Kaushallendra-the ILLUSION TREE

The few rebuses we had included were...
I'm not posting the answers here as many of u might be seeing these for the first time so take a fair shot at them. U'll find the answers in the comments so be sure to subscribe to the comments. I'm having another collection of rebuses which till now I haven't found on the net. I'll be publishing them in another post.
This pic was contributed by Kaushal n I found it pretty interesting. It contains the faces of 10 Indian freedom fighters. Lets see who names them first. Kaushal, Vinay n Shivi, u 3 r not allowed to post answers! :P But u can check for correctness... :)
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