Just as we attain puberty after a certain age, in a similar manner we develop an uncanny tendency of not attending classes for weird reasons-be it sleep deprivation, playing, dating..... (It's really endless!!!)
Well, I won't say that these matters are not important. Actually, I happen to recall famous lines for each of these reasons-
We should have at least 8 hours of sleep. (These lines were taught to us in primary education!)
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. (Apparently, people other than Jack have the same problem.)
Love is life-and what is life without love!
So the reasons as to why a student is unable to attend classes seem pretty important. But if only the college management would go by the thought process of a student-all would be well. However, the reality is that every college imposes the dreaded 75% Attendance Rule and has termed "not attending classes" as bunking. Zeesh! What a horrible thing to do to make the leaders of tomorrow sound as cheap shots.